Saturday, April 16, 2011


The Easter tradition period is related with the Lent and Lent in the Christian tradition, is the period the begins with the Ash wensday to Easter. The eggs, the lamb, the flowers in a pagan believe represents the begining of new life and in the same way for the Christian tradition easter remind us the things that Jesus live in this time until his death for us to begin a new life. Through the preparation of the beliver with the prayer, repentance, almsgiving and self-denial for the annual commemoration during Holy Week.
Jesus victory over death remind us difficult periods of our life that we go through but at the same time the reconciliation with ourselves and the deep searching of a transmutation of our spirits in every situation of our lives.
Like a precious teacher -Transito- said to me Lent means after dark times when the skies are cloudy, raining and full of thunder will come the light. Just remember to connect yourself with your beliefs with the meaning of being reborn in a spiritual way.


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