Saturday, March 19, 2011

Cultural awakening

Today, I woke up hoping that my country is healing, that the whole world is full of Light and that all the people share the knowledge of their cultures.

We got enough hatred and racism in the mass media, so I want to create a space where we can talk about other things, a space where the culture can finally awaken.

This month is the women time, because long time ago after centuries of submission and several ways of invisibility, the women took the spaces to show themselves. I’m not feminist or radical in any way; I only want to show what the women in history already achieved. Long time ago the pronunciation of the women in France, Russia and USA give us the opportunity in this century to be part of the society hand by hand with men, because of them we have the possibility to vote, education, work and human rights, including the conclusion of the abomination of slavery.

Nowadays, we still can find violence against women and children all over the world, but at the same time we can find several cases of important and significant, successful woman in different areas of knowledge.

In the case of Colombia we have successful women in: aviation (the pilot Captain Maribel Porras), engineering (Marina Sanmiguel de Melo the first electrician engineering woman, Yolanda Auza Gomez computing engineering and the actual president of Unisys in Colombia), geophysics and astrophysics (Adriana C. Ocampo geologist and scientist investigator of the (ESA) Especial European Agency and in the actuality works with NASA), politics and law (Noemi Sanin Ambassador of Colombia in United Kingdom (2008- 2009)), arts (Debora Arango woman pioneers painter in Colombia), music (Shakira compositor and Colombian singer), communication (Clemencia Rodriguez is a Colombian US-based media and communication scholar), vulcanology (Marta Lucia Calvache volcanologist, director of the observatory of volcanoes in Pasto/ Colombia), microbiology (Angela Restrepo who opened the path of new technologies and science in the country), biology (Marina Luz Ester Sanchez Arias, who developed the way to work and restored the mangrove and Guiomar Nates Colombian Melittologist who studies the behaviour of bees), meteorologist (Gloria Leon Colombian meteorologist, she is one of the five women meteorologist of Colombia), Forensic Science (Helka Quevedo forensic scientist that works for the Colombian FBI) and anthropology (Virginia Gutierrez de Pineda social scientist and ethnologist, who won the national Price to the Merit of science in 1994 for all her hard work). These are some examples of women that show the true revolution of gender through education in Colombia.

Actually, the problem is that there are more women that attend to the university than men. The important thing is to continue working hand by hand with men and don’t forget the importance of family that keeps the society going.

by Marcela Patricia Devia Zambrano

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