Cultural Statement
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Te busque
Friday, February 10, 2012
The human being is complex and fascinating from many points of view. The gender difference has been an issue for many generations. Every year the 8th on March the women around the world commemorates the international women’s day, they achieved political and social equalities. Through history women have been struggling to claim their rights, indeed women have got laws which give them more social and political opportunities.
Despite this recognition, even this century women are still being treated unequally in comparison with men. Therefore I believe is important that everyone should be educated and illustrated about this process through history, so somehow everybody will be aware about the real situation and how we can contribute with our participation in the society with our female conditions, professionalism, knowledge, skills and thoughts to contribute of our development in balance and comprehension.
We are all together human beings. This proposal does not mean be against men. We have grown up into a particular culture, under the influence of the family and education system. Most men are not aware of women’s condition due to cultural “ignorance”. We both women and men were domesticated in certain paradigms and behaviours that define us, this differences enriching our relationship, as long there is not struggle power.
There are many factors such as culture, race and belief that make differences between everyone, nevertheless we are the same source and energy. Somehow we share similar feelings of love and the need for a relationship with others. However in some cases these differences have increased the conflicts and led to become a racial discrimination, anger and war. Nowadays solve this differences is very important to coexistence in peace and harmony.
Why are we living in sorrow, hatred and disrespect for others? If we share the same house, our planet, we are the same matter, same soul, under the same sun and breathing the same air. I think each person should be start to love and respect himself to find her own love to share this with others.
“Your duty is simply TO BE — not to be this or that” Ramana Marharshi
By, Clarita Isabel Parrado
Sunday, August 14, 2011
A Room of One's Own
I should have written this long time ago… from the great experience that I had when I visited the GWL.
Any way… Give her a room of her own… Let her speak her mind…
Here in the UK in the 21st century the woman social roll is still vanished and indifferent like in most part of the world. Although women have more “opportunities” of work, the statistics of 2004 census proved that women are being paid 20% less than men. The areas of work for women still: health, teaching and secretary, including the house caring and raising the children. I can’t deny that men are changing the attitude towards raising the children and some couples divide tasks at home.
Any way, women have obtained several achievements through time, now that history is being localized in places. Places that I will call in memory of Virginia Woolf “A room of her own”. One of these rooms is localized in Glasgow and was obtain by a group of brave women that decide to preserve: history, Books, Journals, Photographs, Archives, Posters, Ephemera, Newspaper cuttings Videos and DVDs, and several voices of women during time and around the world.
For Virginia a room of her own, means the space that women deserve to produce intellectual work, and in her time it was a miracle to achieve “being a woman”. The things apparently change and some women don’t understand what is the hassle if we are able to study, vote or work. But what they don’t realize is that without suffering and sacrifices of these women that achievements wouldn’t be possible nowadays and that history should be known and told too.
On September 21st is the twentieth anniversary of the Glasgow Women’s Library, after the opening without paid staff in 1991, only with the iniciative of women. They “have grown from an unfunded, grassroots initiative with no paid workers to a busy, multifaceted organisation with nine paid staff, sessional workers and over 20 volunteers. Over 1,800 women have become members and many thousands more have visited or used the Library’s resources or learning opportunities”[1].
Thursday, June 30, 2011
The birthday card
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Stranger across the sea
Stranger across the sea
Display of beauty
eternal paradise
sweet memories
Leviathan wants it
destroying life for it
the stranger stills
dream about new land
left loving ones behind
New faces appeared
hands that hold and comfort
dream takes new direction
eyes closed jumped and swam
across the sea
from south to north
Highlands green and cold
wait for the stranger arrived
but when a stranger appeared
the water changed
the colours are gray
is something no one likes
They don't like the stranger
different structure and forms
new colours and sounds
that are not familiar
we don't like you stranger.
by, Fractalitas
Saturday, April 16, 2011
The Easter tradition period is related with the Lent and Lent in the Christian tradition, is the period the begins with the Ash wensday to Easter. The eggs, the lamb, the flowers in a pagan believe represents the begining of new life and in the same way for the Christian tradition easter remind us the things that Jesus live in this time until his death for us to begin a new life. Through the preparation of the beliver with the prayer, repentance, almsgiving and self-denial for the annual commemoration during Holy Week.
Jesus victory over death remind us difficult periods of our life that we go through but at the same time the reconciliation with ourselves and the deep searching of a transmutation of our spirits in every situation of our lives.
Like a precious teacher -Transito- said to me Lent means after dark times when the skies are cloudy, raining and full of thunder will come the light. Just remember to connect yourself with your beliefs with the meaning of being reborn in a spiritual way.